Shuny Bee Visit to Golden Dragon (Jun.15.2015)

Shuny Bee Visit to Golden Dragon (Jun.15.2015)

Golden Dragon Kung Fu is preparing to strike the celluloid! On June 15th, the kwoon received a visit from martial arts instructor and film actor Shuny Bee out of the blue! Bee was in awe as he perused our dojo and training tools, including our twin Wooden Men. Afterwards, Master Valery and he discussed potential future film projects, including the upcoming third installment of the Lessons of Fate Series.

Both Bee and Valery believe they will benefit from each other's assistance in creating these works of art. While LoF 3 is still being workshopped, these two skilled martial artists plan to bring both Bee's and Valery's smaller visions to light to help kickstart their bigger works. Stay tuned for more exciting upcoming details!