Kung Fu of Golden Dragon Awards Ceremony (2016)

Kung Fu of Golden Dragon Awards Ceremony (2016)
  • Even in youth, some kids struggle with what to give their moms for Mother's Day. At Golden Dragon Kung Fu School, our students will be giving one of the best gifts a child can give a parent; a sense of pride in their accomplishments. On May 7th, we will be holding our 2nd annual Kung Fu awards Ceremony at Kung Fu of Golden Dragon, and once again, all students are welcome and invited! Event time fr om 1:00pm-3:00pm


  • We will be awarding our students for their achievements in 2015, including Most Improved Student, and of course Student of the Year! Last year's ceremony was amazing, and this year promises to be extra special, with demonstrations by the students as well as the teachers. Afterwards, we will have refreshments and games for the entire family.

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  • While Kung Fu is all about staying aware in the present moment, nothing fuels the spirit quite like looking back at how far we have come to get to wh ere we are. Along with this, we will be looking toward the future for our students, such as preparing them for new upcoming projects with Golden Dragon Action Theater and much more. Congratulations to all of our pupils, and we hope you come and enjoy your Award Day!
You may interested to check: Kung Fu Award Ceremony report (May,30,2015)