IV International Kung Fu Seminar in Los Angeles

IV International Kung Fu Seminar in Los Angeles

September 4th-September 9th

7 AM - 10 AM ... 6 PM - 9 PM

GrandMaster Valery Prosvirov hosts his fourth annual Kung Fu Seminar at the Golden Dragon Martial Arts School in Los Angeles.

Six days, Six hours per day.

Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Chin Na, Gun Fa

The complete spectrum of Chinese martial arts taught in the traditional Chinese way.
For experts and beginners alike.

The most challenging weeklong workout.
The greatest attention to detail.
Learn from the best.

Those in attendance should expect to work hard and achieve great results.

For More Information: Call (310) 383-6622 or email info@kungfu-school.com
Learn Kung Fu, Drink Perfect Tea, Live Long, and Be Happy.

Seminar Program: Autumn 2017
September 4th- September 9th

   Six days, Six hours per day

Morning Session: 7 AM- 10 AM: Tai Chi

Chi Gong: The “6 Connections” known as Lu Hei
Gun Fa: Focus on flexibility and core strength.
Tai Chi Technique: The 4 basic efforts: 'Pan', 'Lui', 'Anh', 'Zhi'.
Tui Shou “Push Hands”: Principles and methods of training.
Tai Chi as a Martial Art: The theoretical basis and the application of effort.

Evening Session: 6 PM – 9 PM: Kung Fu

Chi Gong: 'Power Breathing'--Principle, methods, and important details.
Gun Fa: Joint training, Power Endurance, Stretching with a partner.
Kung Fu Technique: Chuan Fa: Foundational Technique.
Work with 'Wooden Man', heavy bag, and partner work.
Application, and combination training.
Acrobatics: How to fall correctly. How to quickly recover position.
Chin Na + Shuad Zhao: Joint locks and throwing techniques.
How to combine these methods with punching and kicking technique.
Chi Gong: “Fire Circle”--fundamental method and practice.

1. Kung Fu and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Two sides of the same coin.
2. Martial Arts and Movies: Modern Misconceptions about Martial Arts and the realities of fighting--Falsehoods pervaded by the film industry. The importance of knowing the truth and following the right path.