Right Nutrition - it's simple

Right Nutrition - it's simple

If anyone will ask me what is the most important period in a person's life, I will repy without hesitation: childhood. It is during childhood time that the basic notions about the right attitude towards life, towards the surroundings, toward self are formed; basic habits surface that affect health.

Speaking of health, I not only mean the absense of cough or cold because health has a much broader sence.

Take a car for example. If all mechanisms are intact and are well maintained, if we constantly monitor the condition that the suspension is in and regularly change oil and fill the gas tank with good quality petrol, then the car will run smoothly without giving the owner any hard time. The same goes for our organism. If the internal organs are working cohesively, muscle system is harmoniously developed, the joints have enough mobility, and the body receives the nutrients it needs, only then can we talk about health. Every parent wants to see their child cheerful, lively and carefree happy. How can this be achieved?

The recipe is simple. Provide your child with appropriate for his/her age levels of physical activity, attention and love and, what is also pretty important, a proper diet and a correct daily regime. It is about the proper nutrition that we shall speak in detail about now. But first, ask yourself this very important question. What is my baby eating, in what quantities and at what time? Watch him a few days. Surely you'll notice that when intaking certain kinds of food a child is very active and is in a good mood. Do not be surprised, balanced diet really works wonders.

Remember cat food advertising, which stated: "A kitten's stomack is no more than a thimble " Child's stomach is also small. Thus you should get rid of the fear that if your child ate less than you, he will surely remain hungry. Prerequisites for obesity are formed during childhood. Stomach consists of a muscle. Like any other muscle, it has an important feature - the ability to stretch. By overfeeding the child, we increase his stomach in volume that will result in a permanent intake of more food.

Now we will touch on some of the principles of creating the diet. In order to function properly, our body needs sufficient quantities of protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, minerals and vitamins. All this can be obtained from well-selected food.

Meat is an excellent source of protein. It is the building block for our muscles and brain cells. Also, meat contains trace elements, preventing bone fragility, affecting the immune system and hormone production. Animal protein is involved in the formation of connective tissue, which is a necessary component of hemoglobin and reduces the risk of anemia.

In our time, vegetarianism has spread worldwide. We must have a clear understanding that a child's and adult's organisms are absolutely differ. Child grows and develops continuously, while the adult does not require such large quantities of "building material". Depriving the child of meat, we automatically condemn him towards physical weakness, increasing the risk of fractures, hormone disruption,and at the same time reduce mental activity. Of course, some will argue that animal protein is easily replaced by vegetation. This view is erroneous.

Try to put regular istead of premium gas into your Cadillac Escalade. I assure you, you won't get far.

Fish, as well as meat, is a source of protein, but of entirely different kind. And, of course, do not forget about the exceptional properties of fish oil, which contain a huge amount of vitamins needed for growing organisms.

Vegetables are essential components of a child's diet. They make up for vitamin shortages, certain lack of minerals, dietary fibers, fiber. Vegetables also have beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Photo of Marat with a plate of vegetables Daily consumption of dairy products establishes proper functioning of the intestines allthewhile having beneficial effects on the person's well being.

Although milk is loved by everyone, it would be better to drink less of it it in its pure form due to the fact that this product contributes to the development of mucus in a stomach and intestines that can eventually lead to dysbacteriosis. We should also limit as much as possible the consumption of starchy foods and sweets. Modern food is tasty and contains a large number of "fast" carbohydrates. Their overabundance leads to gastritis, suppress microflora and contributes to hyperexcitability. I

t's better to trade cookies for fruit.

But remember that fruit - is a separate dish. They should be consumed in the morning and best of all between meals. Do not combine them with other foods, or your child is at risk of experiencing lots of discomfort.

Nuts, dried fruit – are not only tasty, but also useful. Better put on a table a vase with dried apricots, figs,and prunes than with sweets.

subsequent articles we will analyze in more detail the properties of various products. Now we should emphasize: WE MUST FOLLOW THE DIET. And the most important factors in the diet are food intake, mealtime and balance of food.

And now we shall move on directly to daily regime itself.

During the day, we, as a rule, have three main meals. This is breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Breakfast - a "charge" for the day. Specifically during breakfast we should eat the most.

It is at breakfast that you can eat delicious, sweet,and fatty food. If you divide the number of meals eaten per day into six parts, then at breakfast your child should consume 3 / 6 of the daily intake volume. The morning meal - from 7.00 to 9.00. "Hour of the stomach," as they call it in China. Cereal, vegetable stews, meat, cheese ... Everything that you are so accustomed to eating for dinner. But you should not have a cup of tea with biscuits or a yoghurt for breakfast. This is not enough for active work of a body during the day. Of course, you say that your child refuses to eat in the morning. But there is a simple way to fix this situation. Perform a few morning exercises with your child ... You will see with what gusto he will start eating his breakfast! And do not forget to treat him with some vitamins!

Between meals it's a good idea to give your child some fruits, as snacks you know. For lunch your child should eat no more than 1 / 6 of the daily volume.

Forget about eating as much as possible for lunch: first, second, third and some juice to top it off. Leave these prejudices in the past. Lunch time - from 12.00 to 15.00. The closer to midday, the better.

Child's lunch should consist of: 1. bowl of soup volume of 250-300 ml 2. vegetable salad 3. sandwich with cheese or fish. In between the meals sour milk products, nuts and dried fruits will act as good snacks. Dinner should be light, and not later than 19.30. This is a 2 / 6 of the daily volume of food. At dinner, the child can be offered a small, about 50 grams, a piece of poultry or fish, or steamed vegetables. Also, a good dinner is obtained from graining (or regular) cream, sweetened with honey. During the hour before bedtime, you can treat your child to a glass of skim milk. It's tasty and also healthy. Try to eliminate from the diet of a child chips, fizzy drinks, fast food, ready-to-cook food. The later our children will know their taste, the better. It should be understood that the above mentioned are only general recommendations for diet. For compiling a full ration, it is necessary to contact your dietitian, that is if you have one, or you can always approach our doctor who will gladly help you to develop a suitable diet for your child, allthewhile focusing on the health and specific features of your child. Photo of Marat with cheese. Of course, following the right diet is not going to be easy at first, but if the health of your child is important for you, you should not look for an easy way out or for what is more convenient for you, but to simply get down and do it. And then, pretty soon you will see the results of your efforts in the healthy glow of eyes and wide smile of your