Two Ways

Two Ways

-There are two ways - said Wise Yang. - Path of Knowledge and the Way of Suffering.

-But how to distinguish these paths? - asked the Little yin.

Walking on the Path of Knowledge is easy and pleasant, walking on the Path of Suffering - painful, - replied the Wise Yang.

On the Path of Knowledge you are cheerful and healthy, while on the Path of Suffering you are exhausted. And when you're exhausted, you need to be comforted.

-Consolation is alcohol and drugs? - asked the Little yin.

-First of all - it is the opinion of others on which you depend, - replied the Wise Yang.

- Thus, going with everyone, always be one, and having everything, have nothing. And then you will be freed.

-Path of Knowledge leads to freedom? - asked the Little Yin.

-Path of Knowledge leads to Love, - replied the Wise Yang. - Stepping on it, you're almost free, untill you'll get rid of the temptation to step off it. Following the right Path, you'll find yourself and will fall in love. Then you will get the strength to help others.

-This is great! - Helping others! - rejoiced Little yin. And he began to meditate on choosing the right Path.