Yin and Yang
Without a doubt, the symbol, associated with East, which embodies its mystery and inconceivability is well known to everybody ... However, is this ancient symbol as incomprehensible as it is thought to be? Let's try to understand the magic of black and white circle. Long ago have the Chinese noticed that the world - is not a chaotic conglomeration of objects and phenomena, but a combination of pairs opposing each other concepts: night and day, heaven and earth, full and empty, motion and rest, and etc.
Such pairs are numerous, compiling a full list of them is as impossible as is drawing a picture of the World and all of Nature. They are all different but operate under the same principle or algorithm. Ancient Chinese philosophers have solved this algorithm and have given the names to the opposing elements - yin and Yang. Initially, these words represented shady and sunny side of objects. Later "yin" began underlining all the dark, passive, soft, hard, cold, low, choppy, etc., as well as femininity. The notion of "Yang" identified with the bright, active, strong, light, warm, high, constant, etc. Besides, it represented masculinity. yin the ancient sages began to depict as black and Yang – as white.
In Kung Fu we too are constantly confronted with yin and Yang. For example, defending against an attack, we can use a hard block, or can parry opponents attack using a soft movement, using opponents momentum. Internal and External - it is nothing else then yin and Yang.
Even our training ends with a traditional bow, where the left hand palms the right fist. It also symbolizes the two beginnings of the universe.
In a Chinese culture, people, peace, nature are understood as a system obeyin the general laws of development, as a living organism, where everything is interconnected and interdependent. Hence, for the depiction of the model of the world some kind of an enclosed space was required. But not a random geometric figure, no, the kind which would have been able to reflect the inner harmony and perfection of this world. A Circle. A Circle made of black and white halves. But why such a strange shape?
Yin and Yang - mirror images of each other. Every thing, every phenomenon has its opposite, its negation. But it is important to remember that nothing is absolute, everything is relative.
Take a look at the sign. In each half there is a broad and narrow, and acute angle and a smooth bend. Black and white halves of a nonstandart shapes can easily add up and form a circle as the personification of perfection and harmony.
Merging the yin and Yang creates a new quality. Not them by themselves, but their interaction has eternal life-giving force, claimed the great Chinese minds. In that lies the great law of Life, the Great Tao.