Kung Fu Blog

Crossing All Borders (2016)
Many new students of the martial arts, when searching for a kung fu teacher, often choose the go-to canvas choice of a kung fu teacher that has a Chinese sounding name or discipline of style. Often, people equate this cultural background with proficiency in the art. However, a problem that arises in the Russian community in Los Angeles is finding the teacher that not only gives quality instruction, but can also bridge the cultural divide inherent to being a new citizen in a foreign land.
Inside the Dragon's Lair (2016)
Mission Statement: At Kung Fu Golden Dragon Martial Arts School, founded by Grand Master Valery Prosvirov, we believe that the practice and principles of kung fu can in fact change the world for the better. As a student of our discipline and an instructor-in-training, I have both experienced and witnessed the positive effects of kung fu in my life and the lives of others. This interview series will attempt to allow an objective retrospective view on how our discipline has benefited the lives of our students...
Today at 80 I am in better overall shape than most men my age…although most men my age are dead (2016)

Valery Prosvirov & his son, Dmitry Prosvirov will keep me alive, younger and healthier than any medicine I know of.  I first met them when I was 78 with the firm belief that  the best exercise for someone my age was changing channels on my tv.  My posture was terrible, my balance was pathetic and my flexibility was only good in the hand I used for the remote channel changer.

Martial Arts training?  Kung Fu technique? Ancient Chinese breathing exercises?  Weights?  Falling down and getting up exercises?  I had started to fall down without any training before so who needed it. 

Surely you jest!

Yet they were so confident of the value of all of this in every person’s life that they said my first lesson could be “free”.  So who could resist that magic word?  And that is how it began for me.

Today at 80 I am in better overall shape than most men my age…although most men my age are dead.

Star Wars: The Dark Chronicles (2016)

Many paths can lead to the Dark Side. Only one path can lead back to the Light.

The Dark Chronicles follows the stories of Kwi Naru, Val-Sei, and Na'ir, three Jedi destined to confront the darkest parts of their souls in order to find the strength within themselves to bring balance to the Force. With the guidance of their chief master Nir'uus K'Thali, Kwi and Val-Sei must rescue Na'ir from the evil Sith Lord Zan-Zio who he intends to destroy in order to take his place. Val-Sei must also keep Kwi out of the hands of Na'ir, lest he manipulate his mind and turn him to the Dark Side as well.

Happy New Year!!! (2016)
Today marked our first class of the new year at Kung Fu Golden Dragon. While most people would wait a week to start their New Year's resolution, our students, who ranged from ages 5 to 85, were here bright and early to continue their Chi gong and Kung Fu training. Aside from seeing our old friends return, we welcomed new members into the fold today as well. Master Valery let the students, old and new, through an hour-long intensive Chi gong exercise.
Winter Camp (2015)
This past holiday season, the world rested on its laurels with bated breath as Star Wars: The Force Awakens was released in theaters. Here at Golden Dragon, we paid homage to one of the most popular film franchises in history the best way we knew how: we held our annual Winter Camp in full Star Wars theme.


Kung Fu, Golden Dragon, Christmas Party, Santa Monica, West Los Angeles, third annual, festivities, event planning, Russian family

This year marked Kung Fu Golden Dragon's first Christmas party at our new location on Santa Monica Boulevard! On December 19, 2015, we celebrated another year of family, fun, and growth in the martial arts as we held our third annual Kung Fu Christmas party!

Christmas-Party-(2015).jpg   Christmas-Party-3-(2015).jpg

Decisive, but patient as I am a senior! (2015)
The Golden Dragon has been and is a wonderful experience, physically and mentally. The warmth and gentleness of my host Valery my teacher, a charming gentleman and a terrific teacher.
The Fountain of Youth! (2015)
I have been practicing with Valery 3-4 times per week for about 10 months now and feel 20 years younger.